For Skits and Giggles
Want a really nice day? Maybe a laugh? Well, do we have a skit-based comedy show! In For Skits and Giggles a large group of writers throw everything at the wall and take it, regardless if it sticks or not. The confusion never stops with For Skits and Giggles!​​
Stuart Wilson
Stuart Wilson (he/him) is a senior double majoring in Russian Studies and Comparative Literature. Born in Wilmington, NC, but moved to Wilkesboro recently. He’s worked with FSAG since his Freshman Year, but only became a producer since last year. He’s also the producer of 30 Plays in 60 Minutes and writes for LAB! Theatre. He’s all over the place, and very scatterbrained. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was the first Disney character, and he is his favorite.
Assistant Producer(s)
Bea Manaligod (
Bea Manaligod (she/her) is a senior double majoring in Computer Science and Communications. Her love for editing started by watching lyric videos of Taylor Swift songs in 2008 and that hasn’t stopped her since - so she’s been the editor of FSAG since its very birth!! She’s also involved with various UNC student theatre and comp sci orgs, but in her free time she enjoys listening to niche Spotify playlists and eating Sour Patch Kids :)